Mighty Well | Sarah Dame | The Mighty Pack

How The Mighty Pack Gives More Freedom to Friends in the Fight

During the first week of December, we officially launched The Mighty Pack. Since then, we’ve been hearing stories about the impact of this product from our Friends in the Fight, and we couldn’t be happier with the results so far.

The Mighty Pack is giving freedom to people in our community. We’ve collected some stories on how The Mighty Pack has greatly improved the lives of people who need to carry their medical supplies with them, and are excited to share those stories and quotes with you today. 

From Fear to Freedom

“Being attached to a backpack for 18 hours a day has its challenges. Taking classes, running errands, and just living, I was on the search for a backpack that was lightweight and functional with my day-to-day activities.

Unlike other bags that medical companies provide (which quickly fall apart at the seams) or the cute backpacks, this backpack combines being functional and looking good!

The Mighty Pack securely holds my feeds (enteral nutrition) so I don’t have to fear they will spill out. It holds my medical supplies: pills, gauze, alcohol wipes, and IV meds, keeping them organized and easily accessible with the compartments. I no longer have to search through a bag to find them.

I also can hold my wallet, phone, laptop, or books for school, depending on the day.

I’m thankful for Mighty Well creating products that better the lives for those living with chronic conditions and tubes. “

Sarah Dame is in her twenties and live with EDS, a genetic connective tissue disorder that affects her entire body. She is a college student, dog mom, card maker, and adventure seeker.

One Place at All Times

“The mighty pack fits all my medical needs in one place at all times which makes my daily life easier and more comfortable.” 

Mellie White is the first tube-fed model to walk in New York Fashion Week. 

The Backpack Girl

“As someone who was lovingly called the “backpack girl” growing up, I am thrilled to see the launch of the Mighty Pack. I have needed to wear a backpack anywhere from a few hours to the entire day for the last 29 years in order to receive enteral nutrition, TPN, antibiotics, and/or IV fluids.

I have always had to make my own backpacks or re-outfit hiking or exercise backpacks. I got a chance to try out a demo and the backpack is truly as advertised!

I always wore my nutritional backpack in addition to my school backpack and now as a graduate school student who travels often, I find myself wearing my small nutritional backpack and carrying a laptop case.

So the feature I am most excited about is the extra pocket to fit a laptop or tablet! But, Mighty Well did not stop there! Features include multiple zipper pockets, insulated pockets, and separate openings for tubing.

I now have a place for medical supplies and drugs where previously on the go I would not bring them with me or I would put them in my pocket because of fear of being lost at the bottom of my bag and not accessible at my time of need.

I am excited to live a more organized and functional life with The Mighty Pack”

Swapna Kakani was born with a rare disease that made life very challenging for her. But she turned her sickness into strength by creating Alabama Rare, a grassroots coalition to unite the state around the rare disease population.

Want to find out more, or get a backpack for yourself or a loved one? Click the button below to learn more about The Mighty Pack.

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