Conversations With Hannah Olson: Chronic Illness & Careers

Recently, Emily sat down with her good friend Hannah Olson, CEO and Co-Founder of Chronically Capable, for our monthly Facebook Live broadcast! Emily and Hannah first connected when Hannah was using Mighty Well’s PICCPerfect PICC Line covers during treatment for Lyme disease. Emily has been mentoring Hannah as a young, female CEO living with a chronic illness ever since and they have become true Friends in the Fight.

Their conversation this week focused on entrepreneurship, working with a chronic condition, and (of course) one or two mentions of their adorable dogs – who come from the same rescue!

Did you miss Emily’s conversation with Hannah? Don’t worry! Tune in to watch their full chat below.

What is Chronically Capable?

Chronically Capable is a platform that strives to connect the chronically ill with meaningful remote work and flexible employers, so that no one ever has to decide between their life’s passions and their health again. Just like Emily started Mighty Well out of her needs as a patient, Hannah started Chronically Capable because of her experience as a patient living with Lyme disease.

Hannah had to leave her first job due to illness, and that made her wonder “is there a place for people like me in the work force?” She’s on a mission to make sure everyone, regardless of their health or physical ability, has access to opportunity and work that meets their needs.

Hannah started Chronically Capable less than a year ago and has already been featured in Fast Company about her work! We were so proud to feature Hannah’s story in this month’s broadcast, and hope you will tune in to hear about how she has turned her sickness into strength.

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