Here at Mighty Well, we love to share stories of strength, resilience and empowerment from the illness community. We know how much it takes to fight illness battles every day, and we are always inspired by the moments and insights that you share.
Caregivers and Allies

In our own journeys through illness and disability, there have been so many people who have stepped up behind the scenes to help us overcome personal struggles and to stay undefeated. And as we work to elevate the voices of the illness and disability community, we want to make sure we elevate their voices too.
When someone is diagnosed with a life-altering condition, their whole network can be affected. So, we think it’s time for our caregivers and our allies, our Friends in the Fight, to get a much-deserved shout out.
Nominate Your Friend in the Fight
Is there a person in your life who has helped support you through your illness journey?
Who has been there to listen when you need it – to pick up medications, to sit with you at appointments, to make you a healthy meal?
Who in your life deserves a shout out in the Friends in the Fight community?
Every month, we’ll be selecting an amazing caregiver or ally to be featured as our Friend in the Fight. If there is someone in your life who you think deserves some extra appreciation, nominate them by clicking the button below!
Please join us in our Friend in the Fight group to connect with the community.