6 Tips for Soaking up the Sun: Summer with a PICC Line

As someone hailing from the Ocean State, I was devastated when I realized that summer with a PICC line meant that I wouldn’t be able to splash in the waves at Narragansett Beach, where I grew up. Growing up, most of my friends were at summer camp, so my dad would drop me off with two dollars, a cheese sandwich, and my boogie board, and say, “See you at 5 o’clock!”

Getting a PICC line felt overwhelming, but not getting wet doesn’t mean the fun has to stop! Here are my top 6 tips for having an amazing day at the beach and enjoying summer with a PICC line:

1. Never get your arm wet!

Keeping your PICC line dry is crucial for preventing infections. This includes avoiding sweat, splashes, or accidental waves. Use a waterproof cover like the Mighty Well H₂O Shield™ to keep your PICC line dry while you enjoy outdoor activities.

A wet PICC line dressing can significantly increase the risk of infection, which we want to avoid at all costs. While the goal is to prevent this from happening, we understand that accidents can occur, especially when enjoying the beach with little ones. If for any reason your IV site gets wet, contact your healthcare provider immediately for a dressing change. Here are some essentials to be prepared for a dressing change.

2. Bring extra towels

Extra clean towels can be a lifesaver at the beach. Use them to lie down on the sand or prop your arm up against your beach chair. This helps keep your PICC line clear of sand and debris, reducing the risk of irritation or infection. Having a few spare towels ensures you always have a clean one handy.

3. Keep sand off your arm

Sand can be a significant irritant, so it’s essential to keep it away from your PICC line. Wearing a long-sleeve rash guard or shirt can protect your arm from sand and sun. If that’s not your style, make sure to wear your PICCPerfect® PICC Line Cover to keep your PICC line safe and secure. For extra protection, wrap your arm in medical gauze and place your PICC line sleeve on top.

If possible, wear a long-sleeve rash guard or a long-sleeve shirt.  If that’s not your style, make sure to wear your PICCPerfect® PICC Line Cover to keep your PICC line safe and secure. For extra protection, you can wrap your arm in medical gauze and then place your PICC line sleeve on top.

4. Find a shower sleeve that works for you

We recommend our H₂O Shield™ Waterproof Shower Protector. Available in various sizes and coverage options, the H₂O Shield™ Waterproof Shower Protector covers the PICC line insertion area, while the H₂O Shield™ Cast Shower Protector covers most of your arm, including your hand. These sleeves are designed to keep your PICC line dry and protected.

5. Keep it classy & have fun

No need to compromise on style while protecting your PICC line. Find a PICCPerfect® PICC Line Cover that matches your favorite swimsuit. This way, you can protect your PICC line while looking great. Our covers come in various colors and patterns, allowing you to express your style confidently. PICC lines are there to improve your health, but having fun and living life to its fullest are also important for your wellness. So, get out there with confidence — we’ve got you covered! Enjoy your summer and make the most of your time at the beach, knowing that you can stay safe and stylish with these tips.

6. Plan ahead and inform your loved ones

Inform your friends or family about your PICC line and any specific needs you may have. This way, they can help you stay safe and enjoy the activities. Be aware especially with young kids or pets, who may not understand the severity of the situation.

Bonus tip: Hydrate and stay cool

Staying hydrated is essential, especially in the summer heat. Drink plenty of water and keep a bottle with you at all times. Use cooling garments and take breaks in the shade to avoid overheating. Overheating can cause excessive sweating, which might compromise the integrity of your PICC line dressing.

By following these tips, you can have a fantastic summer while keeping your PICC line safe and secure. Enjoy the sun, sand, and sea with peace of mind!

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