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Finding The Good In Bad With Illness

As most people know, it can often be difficult to look on the bright side and stay positive. This is especially true when battling an illness. Luckily, there are people out there that help inspire others every day to keep pushing. Our new friend, Maddie, was kind enough to share her story with us on how she remains positive despite her battle.


For quite a few years, I was told my illness was all in my head; I had anxiety; I had depression. I did not.

I have a genetic connective tissue condition, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome that has now left my autonomic system almost completely not functioning (dysautonomia), my joints very hypermobile and unstable, and the myriad of ‘fun’ that comes with having a chronic illness.
My body was left to continue to fail, without any medical intervention for 4 years. I’m now left with a PICC line in my arm for treatment and long days in the hospital.

I build myself up on positivity and I feel that all spoonies should too. It can be hard to find the positives when you’re spending hours on end hooked up to a machine, or days in the hospital, but sometimes it’s the small things that can make you smile.

Always cherish the good times, no matter how big, how small, or how rare they are. Look back on those good times and know that you will get back to a time where you’re as happy and positive.

Think about the ways in which your illness and your journey have impacted you in a positive way:

Has it brought you together with new friends going through similar situations?
Has it taught you things you never knew before?
Has it made you a better person?
We’re all going to have our down days where we feel like everything is terrible, and I totally encourage everyone to not bottle those feelings up.
Let the bad feelings out, whether you talk to someone or write it down, let them out.
Maybe tomorrow you’ll feel a little more positive than before!
 Maddie has her own Youtube Video where she shares more about her story with EDS. Check it here to learn more about her. 

 Got more questions about PICC Line?  Join us in our Friends in the Fight Group to connect with our community. 

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