Find Your Voice: Top 5 Tips to Advocate for Yourself in Healthcare

Mighty Well co-founder Emily Levy at the Project Lyme Gala, 2018

There is a lot I do to keep my health in remission, pain levels manageable, and keep my energy as vibrant as possible. But let’s be real – it’s a constant balancing act. Last week, a comment from one of my regular wellness providers really hit a nerve. He repeatedly told me, “All you do is complain!” – as if pain was a choice.

Initially, I let it slide. But then I realized: am I complaining, or am I advocating for myself? It’s easy to dismiss our experiences as simply complaining, but we’re actually communicating our needs.

Even I struggle to advocate for myself in medical settings sometimes. It takes courage. Here are my top five tips to advocate for yourself in healthcare and help you find your voice:

2. Communicate Effectively: Clearly express your concerns, symptoms, and medical history to your healthcare provider. Use “I” statements to describe your experiences, and don’t hesitate to ask for clarification or additional information.

3. Keep Detailed Records: Maintain a comprehensive health record, including symptoms, medications, treatments, and doctor visits. This information can be invaluable when discussing your care with healthcare providers. 

5. Trust Your Instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion, change healthcare providers, and speak up. 

Remember, you are your own best advocate. By taking an active role to advocate for yourself in healthcare, you can improve your overall well-being and know that your voice matters.

Emily Levy standing on the edge of a rock, wearing a blue t-shirt that says "Please Give Me Space." She is offering her top tips to advocate for yourself in healthcare.