3 Ways to Embrace & Celebrate Spring

It’s official – spring has sprung! It’s time (or almost time) to pack those winter clothes and switch up our routines to include more time in the sunshine. For us spoonies, celebrating spring is a much-needed tonic to remind ourselves that change in our world is ever-present.  Our lives can open up to forgotten joys with this new season of rebirth.  

Looking for meaningful ways to greet change this season?  Here are 3 tips for celebrating spring when living with a chronic illness.

1. Get outside as much as possible (walks, picnics, and more).

Few things provide more good and positive energy than basking in the spring sunshine and fresh air.  Structure walks with friends (or meditative walks alone) into your daily schedule.  If you find yourself spending all day at a desk, whether at home or at the office, find safe spaces to work outdoors instead.  If you’ve felt cooped up or stuck in unpleasant patterns all year, maybe try something new – research nearby nature trails, swimming holes, or kayak rentals. The environment in which we spend our time impacts our behavior and thought patterns, often much more than we realize.

If you like us, and you may feel nervous about new outdoor adventures, there are safe ways to get outside. Check out our tips for surviving allergy season and reminders about tick safety.

2. Change of space, change of pace.

Yes, it’s cliche, but spring cleaning is a tradition for a good reason.  You will (quite literally) breathe easier once those windows are open and months of dust and clutter have been purged.  If you have extra time and energy, moving some things around to create a new vibe at home or work can also help your brain absorb the hope and positive change in the air.  Better yet, if you have a moment, take a look at your patterns and priorities.  Are there any activities or habits that are no longer bringing you joy?  Or are you craving a different pace of life?  Spring can be a great time to make these tweaks to our routines.

Overwhelmed by the prospect of spring cleaning? Check out our spring cleaning guide.

3. Spread positive energy & change.

Living through a global pandemic has been a tremendous reminder that we are all in this together. Each of us has a role to play in the necessary healing to come – whether caring for the health of our planet or its inhabitants, our actions make a difference.  Find small ways to make someone’s day brighter.  Reach out to someone who may be isolated. Celebrate Earth Day by cleaning up, planting environmentally-conscious gardens, or starting positive habits to heal our planet.  Not only will these actions spur much-needed positivity and trust, but it will feel good to have made a difference.

If you already have someone on your mind you want to reach out to or want to mend a relationship, but you are not sure of the best way, check out our 5 ways to give support to someone you love.

Whichever way you choose to mark this transition into spring, don’t forget to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. We wish you hope, love, and strength – go out there and embrace this spring season!

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