Top 5 Tips for Protesting While Immunocompromised / Disabled

If you’ve been reeling from the pain of recent events, you are not alone.  Our hearts ache, our anger flares, and we feel we must do something.  But… what?  How can those of us with compromised immune systems, complex symptoms, and disabilities get involved?  We reached out to Emily Levy, Mighty Well’s CEO and co-founder for some ideas.

Emily’s Top 5 Protest Tips for Immunocompromised/Disabled Activists:

  1. If you cannot physically protest on foot or by car, you can sign petitions and call on friends and family to get involved.  Do the behind-the-scenes work to enable others to get out and protest.  Check out Marching With Me for ideas and support.
  2. Listen to and believe people of color and call out racism online and in person, even if it is “just a joke.”  If you are still learning about how to be anti-racist, check out this incredibly comprehensive Anti-Racist Resource Guide!
  3. Amplify Black Voices.  Educate yourself with books and podcasts by people of color. Follow Black activists and artists and share their educational content on how to be an ally. Need ideas? Take a peek at the resource guide above. Additionally, here are some of our favorite podcasts: It’s Been a Minute (NPR), What a Day (Crooked Media), Code Switch (NPR), Earhustle (first podcast created inside a prison), Intersectionality Matters!, 1619 (NY Times)… so many good ones choose from!
  4. Boycott racist businesses and put your dollar to supporting black-owned businesses (examples here and apps that prioritize black-owned business here)
  5. Volunteer online or donate to organizations that are doing the good work! (Check out some organizations supporting Black people with disabilities that need your help today)

For more ideas, check out this resource from Activists of Color who’ve been there: 26 Ways to be in the Struggle Beyond the Streets

Thank you for joining in the fight!  We are Mightier Together.

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