Mighty Moms

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day.  While it may not be the easiest Mother’s Day to celebrate, we feel extra appreciation this year for the moms in our lives.  It takes so much to care for others when your own world has been disrupted so completely.  

Let’s take a moment to shout out some of the Mighty Moms in the Mighty Well family:

Emily Levy, Co-Founder and CEO

Something you love about your mom:

I love that my mom always believed me when it came to my health issues and she fought to get me to see the best doctors. 

One way your mom supports you through challenges:

My mom supports me by giving me space when I need it and showing up when I ask her to. 

To all the moms out there: 

Emotionally and physically support your kids going through difficult health journeys

Lesly Marban, Director of B2B Medical Sales & Strategy

Something you love about motherhood:

Learning about myself through my kids

A challenge for you as a mother: 

Balancing and having enough time for all the my roles (mother, wife, daughter, sister, career)

Tips for other moms during COVID-19:

We’ve made a point to be active every day and walk as a family.  We go out on daily hikes rain or shine.  Gives us time to talk, exercise, enjoy each other’s company and the fresh air.

Holly Childs, Social Media and Graphic Design

Something you love about your mom

She’d seriously drop everything for her family if we needed something.

One way your mom supports you through challenges:

When I have a flare up of my chronic illness, she’s right there. If it’s a small flare up, she’s right there with a bland-food grocery delivery. If it’s a big flare, she’s right there with a hospital “go-bag” to make my stay a little better. She’s also there for me with my business—she started working with my company full-time two years ago and I couldn’t do it without her!

To all the moms out there:

We are so grateful for you – even if we don’t show it all the time. Thank you for all that you do. ?

Pamela Younes, Operations Director

Tips for other moms during COVID-19:

I just want to congratulate all mothers and caregivers — you are amazing, and persevering through these last couple of months is your proof!!  I have always admired those that homeschool their children, and I have even more respect and envy of those skills after months of “distance learning”.  I am grateful for extra time to play instead of commuting.  I am loving cooking most meals at home, and wonder where we will go out to eat since we have perfected some great family dishes!  I love that binge watching has been guilt free.  And as the world prepares for the #newnormal, I am taking it one day at a time and giving myself permission to just do my best.   Sending (Mighty) Well wishes to you on Mother’s Day.  Any votes for a Mother’s Day Weekend?!!

Ariela Paulsen, Content and Community Manager

What I love about my mom(s):

I’d like to shout out all of the moms in this photo who have been an absolute inspiration for me.  My mom (in the middle) is fiercely loving.  She has taught me both strength and vulnerability, and the value of open communication.  My sisters (on the ends) are my best friends, and both mothers of their own hilarious kids.  All of them have faced their own health challenges: EDS, POTS, MCAS, PCOS, hypothyroidism, infertility, cancer, scoliosis, TMJ, arthritis… yet they’ve shown me it’s possible to be incredible moms despite sickness, running a small business, or even quarantine.  I feel so grateful to have all of them as role models and my ever-supportive Friends in the Fight!

One way they’ve supported me through challenges:

My sisters and I have had weekly (for the most part!) video chats for years.  They are always there to listen without feeling the need to fix it or offer advice. My mom lives close by and is always ready for a hug.  I will never forget the time I was in college when she called out of work and drove 4 hours each way  just to be with me when I went to the hospital.

To all the moms out there:

I can only imagine how many challenges and fears and self-sacrifices are involved in being a mom right now!  Just the fact that you have enough brain space left to be reading this shows you’re doing something right. Remember that it’s not about being perfect — just try to be the best you can be each day.  

Happy Mother’s Day to all!  We encourage you to shower some love on a mom in your life who could use encouragement this week. And if you want some crafty gift ideas, or need a way to occupy the kids for an hour, check out our upcoming Mighty Meetup in the Friends in the Fight facebook group.  Hope to see you there ?

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