Our 2020 Resolutions for Self-Love!

After learning about some tips for keeping resolutions, we’ve started thinking about resolutions we’d like to try this year!

Rest when needed

It can be so challenging to accept that you may need more rest than those around you.  You will be happier, healthier, and probably more productive if you let yourself have that rest.  Find a way to love yourself and your body, and honor its needs!

Let others in

We focus a lot staying strong and projecting an air of “I’ve got this” to those around us.  It’s exhausting, though, to keep it up all the time. Vulnerability can give you, and your relationships, quite a boost!  Let those you trust know what’s going on. Have someone you can open up to on really tough days. Choose a coworker who you can go to if you realize an accommodation that could help.  People will often respond to vulnerability with relief! Even “healthy” people need to let their guard down and share when life gets tough.

Ask for help

As spoonies, it’s easy to feel like we ask too much of those we love!  The reality is, often those around us will be bolstered by the opportunity to have a positive impact in our situation! (Stay tuned for a piece in February about the importance of chipping in when you can to make asking for help easier)

You’ll notice that these resolutions don’t follow the tips we gave in Making New Year’s Resolutions You Can Keep!  These are the big picture goals.  It’s up to you to decide what small steps you want to take to get there, and the specific actions, habits, and environmental changes that will lead you there.

We wish you the best of luck, and a wealth of self-love!  Here’s to a new day!

What resolutions have helped you in the past?  What are you trying this year? Join the conversation in the Friends in the Fight facebook group!

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