6 Things I’m Grateful as a CEO and Lyme Warrior

It’s that time of year when we look back on what we accomplished and think about the things we are most grateful for. While I try to be grateful in every day of my life, I think the start of the holiday season is a perfect time to share with you some of the amazing things I’ve experienced this year as someone who is leading a company that serves the chronic illness community and as a Lyme patient.

Improved Health

Five years into my battle with Lyme, co-infections have continued to be at the center of my life. But I have been fortunate to have more energy and less day to day joint and nerve pain. Thankfully, the brain fog has also lessened this year. I credit a large part of this to being able to receive IVIG as a part of my treatment.

Getting Engaged in 2018

Yousef (who’s my Friend and the Fight) and I have been together for almost six years. We met when I was a freshman at Babson College, when we did not yet know what was the source of my health challenges.

Before, during, and after I was diagnosed, Yousef has remained by my side. He’s been there for me as a business partner, a support system, a best friend, and caregiver. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be engaged to my best friend. I am excited to spend the rest of my life with him, growing and working to make the world a better place through Mighty Well.

My Team 

I could not be where I am today without my Friends in the Fight. This includes my team, my advisors, my family, and of course, our community.

Mighty Well Team

I want to give a special thanks to my co-founders, Maria Del Mar, and Yousef. These two people have given up so much in their lives to follow me into the unknown world of startups, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Maria, thank you for being willing to work day in and day out and be willing to leave your entire family in the Dominican Republic to chase our vision of turning sickness into strength.

Yousef, I am grateful to you for living a split life between NYC and Providence to make our dreams come true. You have always seen the light and success at the end of the tunnel, even on days that were harder than anyone could have ever known. You are my rock.

To all of our team members and advisors who have worked tirelessly and lent your expertise to Mighty Well, I will forever be grateful.

Ability to Travel the World Telling our Story of Turning Sickness into Strength

I’m beyond grateful to everyone who has brought me to all corners of the world to tell our founding story and to give patients a voice. I’d like to give an extra special thank you to MedComp and our friends at the Association for Vascular Access for believing in us and for bringing me to places I thought that I would only read about (as I write this I am on my way to Detroit and then LA for AVA Network events sponsored by our partners at MedComp).

My favorite place that I have traveled to in 2018 for work has been San Fransisco (my favorite city in the USA) where we were invited to be a part of Tim, Jesse, and Bill Draper’s show, “Meet The Drapers,” and having doors opened for us that we only dreamed about. Thank you to Tim and Melissa for believing in me and my vision and for showing me that if an idea is crazy enough, that it might actually work.

The Growth of Mighty Well

Mighty Well | Mighty MedPlanner| Headphones
Photoshoot for our Mighty MedPlanner

It will be amazing to have our products launch with The Grommet and Zappos Adaptive. Ahead of these partnerships, we have also expanded our product line, making Mighty Well available to people around the world through Amazon international platforms. 

Most of all… I’m grateful for you.

None of these things on the list would have been possible without you, our amazing members of the Mighty Well community.

We are so grateful that you’re part of our Friends in the Fight Community, sharing stories that inspire and challenge us all. We hope that you’ll continue to join us in our journey of turning sickness into strength.

What are you grateful for this year? Fill out this template and tag us @mightywell_ to let us know! 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

(Stay tuned for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales – coming just after the holiday!)

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